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沿革 History

​  建築作為數十百年的棲居容器,講求個性與人性,更與記憶、情感、生活乃至生命有著密切的關係。而本所架構下的課程內容訓練即着重於在全球耗散性資本主義沖擊下,能產製歸屬感的在地性建築實質可能的建構。而在全球已開發甚至有點過度開發的國家,大多已成為都市過度集中,老舊建築物充斥的狀態。一堆建築物有待更新或與新建空間共構再生;另外一個面向的問題是來自於全球化潮勢洗捲之下,形成的流行趨勢與明星建築師星光耀眼建築物組成壓倒性的優勢學習範例,導至建築類型與樣式的趨同性摹仿,加速了場所感動的稀薄化,以及在地歸屬的散失,加深了一種內在的「流離失所」感。這種內在的「這裡不是我的家」的失落感,實質施予每個人內在的壓力,同時加深了人與人之間的陌生裂隙,以至一種帶有批判性的在地建築的建構已形成試圖尋求經濟發展與開放進步的大部分國家所面臨的問題。至於在這方面的建築實質上能表現出的感染力,很大部分的重點會落在細部的構成,以及新建物如何與舊有存留物的交纏共構。而上述兩項內容正是本所成立所強調的課程訓練所在。而在面臨真實問題的解決時刻,大都希望能有差異的立足點,形成具有客觀批判性的另類看法,以幫助設計者能更深入的地尋求適切的解決之道,因此本所已積極地與歐洲一些專業學者與建築師聯繫,商談每年聘任不同專業者來此教學,同時經由這些人提供「移地教學」的計劃,希望多少能激發未來研究生不同的觀點。

Buildings are habitat containers in dozens of years, emphasizing personality and human nature, also have a close relationship with memory, emotion, and life. The curriculum content of the training under the framework focus on the global capitalism under the impact of capitalism, can produce a sense of belongings to the nature of the actual construction of the building. The world has developed or even a little over-developed countries, most of them become over-concentrated and full of old buildings.

A bunch of buildings to be updated or co-built with the new space regeneration. Another problem is the formation of the trend and famous architects’ dazzling buildings composed of overwhelming advantages of learning examples, which are from the tide of global tide under the volume. It brings the convergence of architectural types and patterns, which speeding up the thinning of the place, as well as the loss of ownership, deepening an inner "displaced" feeling.

This inner "here is not my home," the sense of loss, the real pressure to give everyone inner pressure, while deepening the unfamiliar cracks between people, as well as a critical construction of the building has been trying to form The problems faced by most countries seeking economic development and openness and progress. As for the buildings in this area can show the infectivity, a large part of the focus will fall on the details of the composition, and how the new building with the old retention of the co-construction. And the above two elements is the establishment of the emphasis on the course of training.

And in the face of the real problem of solving the moment, most hope to have a different foothold, the formation of an objective and critical alternative view to help designers more in-depth to find a suitable solution, so the Institute has been actively Some European professional scholars and architects to discuss the annual appointment of different professionals to this teaching, and through these people to provide "immigrant teaching" plan, hoping to stimulate the number of future graduate students different views.

教育目標 Mission

  本所的發展方向著重於新舊空間議題(Between New and Old)的探討,新舊議題以Refurbishment(更新)的概念為基礎定義在新舊並存、新包舊、舊包新的三個主軸上而發展出新舊建築探討與設計的課程架構,亦即「3R」(Restoration、Renovation、Readaption)概念的課程發展重點。

  • Restoration 是關於既存的歷史內容,地方性,區域性,文化,人文等議題的探討

  • Renovation則著重在構築(Tectonics),材料(Material),型構(Form_Making)的訓練上

  • Readaption 乃基於空間再現下關於空間再適性的空間計畫內容策略擬定


Our development is aimed to focus on the New and Old issues. The new and old issues are defined on the basis of the concept of Refurbishment (new). Exploring and design of new and old building course structure which develop by the three principal axis including co-exist of new and old, new for old cover and old for new cover. that is, "3R" (Restoration, Renovation, Readaption) concept of curriculum development focus.

1.Restoration is about the existing historical contents, local, regional, cultural, human and other issues

2.Renovation focuses on the training of Tectonics,Material, , and Form_Making.

3.Readaption is based on space reproduction under the spatial reappraisal of space program content strategy formulation

In addition, our teachers are included architect, interior, landscape and art different professional areas. There will be provided digital laboratories, environmental and materials laboratory and lighting laboratory professional space equipments.These will be benefits to increase student’s strengthen on  working the design issues.
Students will be trained on the professional design’s courses with their own studio(?) They will participate in different international competitions, design cases and operate the design research. Those training will be promoted the students into different fields.

系所特色 Feature







4+1+i (internship)特色學程

  本系自民國85年創系以來就以「空間整體統合設計」為發展宗旨,基於教育目標旨在培養空間整體設計的全方位人才(Total-Design Talent,TDT)下採「師徒制」與「專長分攻」的教學,將本系依專長分流的概念而在空間設計的專業下分成建築、室內與景觀三組。至民國100年因應社會產業發展趨勢而將專業分組明確化為建築與室內組,並以建築與室內的共構學程作為本系發展與區隔他校的特色。然至民國104年,本系創系將近20年,已累計將近15屆大量系友於相關產業的職場上,且大部分系友皆創業有成。本所規劃之4+1+i(internship) 研究所課程旨在4+1=5 的五年學程下結合一個暑期的實務實習以創造本所的研讀優勢。因此,本所在4+1=5 的研究所概念下可讓大學部同學以五年的時間取碩士學位,區隔於他校建築系攻讀五年的學士學位。

​  而本所的4+1+I(internship) 暑期實務實習由本所幫同學媒合實習單位,同學於實習當中須與實習單位共同開發一個設計研究主題,並將其帶回學校作為往後一年攻讀研究所的學位論文或設計論敘議題,而實習單位將為該生提供研究所在學期間的獎助金,亦即學生可在實習的環境下與業界結合開發設計研究議題,並在業界的支助下以免學費的概念完成研究所學位的研讀。除此之外,本所聘任之外籍師資在其居住地亦有教育資源,本所亦將規劃與其當地著名教學單位結合共創雙學制的學程,讓4+1 的概念再向上延伸成4+1+1的dual degree 雙學位的概念,也就是同學可於六年內完成一個學士學位與兩個碩士學位(國內外各一)。本所希望能在此規劃下延續本系的專業學習,並經由此創意構想讓本所能在少子化招生的危機下為本系與本所創建建築教育的新契機。

1.DaYeah University has set up design departments since the Republic of China in 79 years which are included industrial design department, visual communication department, shape art department and space design department. The School of Design and Art Department was established in 1998 and the master degree in 2007 included industrial design department, architecture and interior design department, plastic art department, cultural industry department, visual communication design department.  


2.(All kinds of computers, multimedia, human laboratories, etc.), and so on, all kinds of computers, And has established a good tradition of resource sharing. Although the collection of custody, but the principle of sharing the whole hospital, graduate students can also extensive contact with all kinds of workshops, laboratories, stimulate the interest of learning, familiar with a number of practical skills.


3.Our teachers have been engaged in the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese special professors, and have contact with the Beijing Institute of Architecture, hoping to provide students with a wide range of professional teachers, A variety of design research for the understanding and cultural awareness, which brewing shaping the style of self, to enhance the richness of the old and new space, and to solve the problem of loss of identity in the field and the sense of belonging to the country And the overall demand for regional cultural industries.


4.Based on the goal of "the overall design of space" for the development of the goal, based on the educational goal is to cultivate the overall design of the full range of talent (Total-Design Talent, TDT) under the "mentoring system" and "Expertise sub-attack" teaching, the Department of the concept of diversion and expertise in the space design under the professional division into the building, interior and landscape three groups. To the  Republic of China 100 years in response to the development trend of social industries will be clearly divided into a professional group of buildings and indoor groups, and architectural and indoor co-construction as the Department of the development and division of the characteristics of his school. However, the Republic of China 104 years, the Department of the Department of nearly 20 years, has accumulated nearly 15 large number of friends in the relevant industry workplace, and most of the Friends of the business are successful. The 4 + 1 + i (internship) course of the Institute is designed to combine the summer practice internship with a 4 + 1 = 5 five-year program to create the Institute's strengths. Therefore, the concept of the Institute in the 4 + 1 = 5 under the concept of college students to five years to take a master's degree, separated from his school building department for five years of bachelor's degree.

The internship of the 4 + 1 + I (internship) internship internship by the local students to help students practice internship units, students in the internship with the internship to work together to develop a design research theme, and bring it back to school as a year later To study the Institute of the degree thesis or design theory, and the internship will provide the students during the study period of the grant, that is, students can practice in the environment with the industry to develop design research topics, and in the industry With the support of the concept of tuition to complete the study of the degree of study. In addition, the foreign teachers appointed by the Institute also have educational resources in their places of residence. The Institute will also plan to work with its famous local teaching units to create a dual academic system, so that the concept of 4 + 1 and then extended up to 4 + 1 + 1 dual degree double degree concept, that is, students can be completed within six years of a bachelor's degree and two master's degree (both at home and abroad). We hope that this program will continue under the planning of the professional learning, and through this creative ideas so that the Institute can be in the minority of the crisis under the enrollment of the Department and the creation of a new opportunity for building education.

畢業出路 Prospects after graduation



  • 可繼續研究生涯、或升學國內外相關博士班

  • 可進入技職體系擔任設計師工作或進入高中職、大專院校進行研究教學

  • 可報考相關專業證照或公職,包括:建築師、建築高考、工地主任

  • 可成立設計工作室,自行創業


  • 提供海外移地教學與產學合作機會

  • 4+1+i提供學生到業界從事建築設計相關工作、相關企業機構實習

  • 舉辦國際研討會與設計論壇



  • 彰、投、雲、嘉地區房屋地價比北部價格平民,居民的住宅使用坪數大而不少老舊房舍,建築設計業的市場發展空間有很大潛力,本碩士班培育在地建築設計與工程管理的高階人才,符合業界所需。

  • 彰、投、雲、嘉三級以上古蹟建築,為數亦不少,古蹟與舊建築再利用及相關的學術研究為目前文化部與彰、投、雲、嘉政府大力推動的文化政策,設計與研究人才需求量大,本碩士班學生可以進入相關研究與設計機構。


  • 兩岸服貿簽定及「一帶一路」設置的亞投行成立後,國內建築專業設計與管理人才之需求量將大量增加,國際性的建築亦將應運而生,建築設計高階人才將因大量輸出而供不應求。

  • 加入WTO亦有建築專業人力的需求

Graduation student orientation or employment direction (including school counseling)

Approach planning:
1. You can continue your career or study at home and abroad
2. Can enter the technical system as a designer or into the high school, college research teaching
3. Applicable to the relevant professional license or public office, including: architect, building college entrance examination, site director
4. Can set up design studio, self-business

School plan counseling measures:
1. To provide overseas transfer teaching and cooperation opportunities
2. 4 + 1 + i to provide students to the industry engaged in architectural design related work, related business institutions internship
3. Organize international seminars and design forums Job market demand

In the local:
1. Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin,Chiayi area Housing prices are cheaper than northern , residents of the residential use large square meters and old buildings, The market for architectural design has great potential, industry needs architecture design and engineering management of high-level talent. who the master class nurtured

2.The cultural relics of the monuments and the old buildings and the related academic research are the cultural policies of the Ministry of Culture and the government, Design and research talent demand, the master class students can enter the relevant research and design agencies.

In the country:
1. After the signing of service trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank established by the “Belt and Road” initiative, the demand for domestic architectural design and management talents will increase significantly.International architecture will also emerge as the times require, and high-level architectural design talents will be in short supply due to a large number of exports.

2. The accession to the WTO also has the demand for construction professionals

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